Monday, November 10, 2008

Google & Russian students: know your users

Just learned today that Google Ru has compiled into the video set results of the surveys held in various Russian universities. I think it's a great way to find out who exactly your users are. So here I've just tried to put together the stats.

As the average results from MAI (Moscow Aviation Institute), for example, state, girls there want to have a family at the age of 24 and guys - at the age of 28. I've heard a whole bunch of "20", "22", "23" answers from both genders in the video though.

It would have been interesting if Google (or someone else for that matter) did a similar survey in the US universities. I'm not particularly interested in the marriage question, but all the questions in general.

Videos mention the following questions and the average statistics for the students of Russian universities:
- how many of the university lectures do you usually visit (~68%)
- how much time do you spend daily at the university (~5-6hrs) and afterwards on homeworks (~2-3hrs), in the internet (~3.5hrs)
- in how many social networks are you registered (~1-2)
- how many emails do you send daily (~5-12)
- how much tv do you watch daily (~20min-1.5hrs)
- how much do you read daily (~2.5hrs)
- how many books did you read in the past months (~2.5)
- how much do you work daily (~2.5hrs)
- how much do you usually spend daily (~$8-10)
- what historical figure impresses you the most (Peter the Great, Stalin)
- what book should be a must for everyone (War & Peace, Crime & Punishment, Master & Margarita)
- what film everyone should watch at least once (Forest Gump, Fight Club, Requiem for a dream)
- who from the currently living people inspires you the most (no one, Putin, Madonna, Medvedev)
- who do you want to be when you graduate (owner of their own company, work in the industry, work for the government)
- where do you want to work after graduation (Google, Microsoft, their own company, IBM)
- what monthly salary would you like to have after graduation ($1000-1800)
- in what Russian city would you like to live after graduation (Moscow, St Petersburg)
- in what country would you like to live after graduation (Russia, England, Germany, France)
- at what age would you like to get married (23-25)
- how many children would you like to have (1-3)

With the questions that required word answers, there were some more top answers and they varied between the universities. Just though I'd mention that to keep the stats fair.

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