Saturday, August 8, 2009

Google suggestions on life

Why am I always curious about the random things? Maybe I should ask google. Start typing "why am I" and you'll see what the world wants to know about themselves :) Hehe, that was my entertainment for the last hour: seeing what people are wondering about. It was quite enlightening, so I decided to share. Enjoy!

"Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria" definitely took me by surprise!

And I found out that actually google answers the relationship questions pretty well too :)

1. He wonders if she likes him, she wonders if he likes her...

2. Both are ignoring, avoiding, and pushing away each other. How did that happen? She's acting distant, b/c he's not calling. He's distant, b/c she's playing hard to get. She's mad, b/c he's not a solider officer!

3. She wouldn't talk, b/c he wouldn't marry. She wouldn't call, b/c he wouldn't propose. She wants him to commit, he wants her to swallow. She wants him to call, he wants her to text.

Indeed, Google knows it all!


D said...

а в русском я не видела картинок - не загрущились почему-то:) про black kids in cafeteria - интересно, да? это, видимо, schoolers искали ответы на свои вопросы расы

Mike Oren said...

I was really amused by "why are there school". I'm pretty sure that one answers itself ;)

It doesn't answer why you were so curious about Google's thoughts on relationships though. Those are fun searches though just to see what people on the Internet say about some of those topics is quite fun. Being socially inept, I'll admit to having sone searches in the past about signs a girl likes you. The game is fun and all but people really just need to learn to be open with their feelings for each other. Less stressful in the end that way, in my opinion. Plus less time wasted.